Reassessments and Delta Reports
Gottman Connect allows you to reassess your couples in order to track and analyze therapeutic progress over time. This powerful feature looks like a normal assessment, but is unique in that it includes a special "Delta" report, which helps you visualize and understand couple behavior and interactions and how they have over time - whether they have improved or degraded.
The Gottman Connect Relationship Checkup costs $39 per couple. Your first purchase of a Checkup for any given couple includes one free reassessment for that specific couple. Any future reassessment for that given couple will be the same $39.
How To
In order to begin a re-assessment of a couple, navigate to your couple, and select the option as seen in the screenshot below:
You will see this pop-up, informing you of key details of the reassessment process. If you are just starting a fresh assessment with your couple, you will see some pointers here as well. Before continuing, please read this carefully as it has all the information needed to proceed:
After the reassessment is complete, Gottman Connect will provide a Delta report (in the same location as your other reports) that highlights the difference between the new and previous assessment.
*Please note* - if you have access to the Love Lab, you can choose how you would like to reassess your Love Lab couple - with the Checkup (questionnaire reassessment only), or with the full Love Lab (questionnaire and video reassessment). Your first reassessment is free regardless of which option you select. Future reassessments will cost $39 for the Checkup and $99 for the Love Lab.