Can I upgrade to the Love Lab?
Yes! We allow clinicians with approved access to the Love Lab to seamlessly upgrade their couples to the Love Lab from the Relationship Checkup without having to redo questionnaires.
How To
Please navigate to your couple and use the "I want to..." menu and the below screenshot on how to upgrade your couple:
Once you select the upgrade option, you will be able to choose how you would like to pay for the difference in cost between the Checkup and the Love Lab. You also now allow you to use a Love Lab credit to cover the difference in cost if you would like.
Proceed with the simple steps and your couple will automatically be upgraded to the Love Lab. The will pick up exactly where they left off in their assessment progress.
Just like when you add a new couple, either you, or the couple, can pay for the upgrade.
*Please note* - if your couple completed their Checkup questionnaires more than 30 days ago and you try to upgrade to the Love Lab, you will see this informative window, screenshotted below. This window explains that their questionnaires may no longer be clinically valid since so much time has passed since the completion of the questionnaires. This message is only informational - we leave this choice up to you based on your professional context of the situation. Please carefully review the information and decide if you would like to continue with the upgrade using the couple's old questionnaires, or, if you would like to reassess this couple with new questionnaires, using the Love Lab.